There's a Booger Stuck to the Ceiling
There's a booger stuck to the ceiling.
It happened when I sneezed.
Please do not tell my mother.
I don't think she'll be pleased.
And please don't tell my father.
I'm begging, please, oh, please.
And don't forget my uncle,
The one with dirty knees.
Yes, there's a booger on the ceiling,
And my family won't be pleased.
Sam Ate It in One Gulp
When we ordered pizza once,
When my friend Sam was over,
We got nothing to eat.
There wasn't a scrap left over.
For when we got the pizza out,
It happened quick, without a doubt.
Sam looked and studied with great care.
He lifted it into the air.
He opened his mouth very wide.
And then he stuffed it right inside.
Sam ate it in one gulp.
The inspiration for these two poems was me reading a book called Pizza, Pigs, and Poetry: How to Write a Poem, by Jack Prelutsky.
This book has lots of funny stories, lots of funny poems, and writing tips for making poems. I give this book 9 stars out of 10.