Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ev's Going to Camp Inquiry

I'm going to Camp Inquiry, I'm going to Camp Inquiry!

The reason I'm going to Camp Inquiry is because my dad is going to teach the kids how to write a song.

It's going to be fun! It's going to be fun! It's going to be fun! It's going to be fun!

I'm leaving this Sunday. It's my first time on a plane! I'll be there a whole week!

I've started packing already. Tomorrow is when we're supposed to start packing, but I couldn't wait! I'm going to my grandma's tomorrow and she's going to help me shop for new shoes, and possibly a hat for camp.

I'll blog about my adventures when I get back.

Goodbye for now!

And make sure to check out the website: Camp Inquiry

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